July Mission Action Gift

The fallout from years of genocide, fighting, and violence has taken a toll on Sudan, resulting in widespread humanitarian crises, and has gone largely ignored by the West. Sudan Relief Fund is dedicated to bringing food, clean water, clothing, shelter, medical attention, education, and hope to the people of South Sudan and the Nuba Mountains of Sudan. Since 1998, Sudan Relief Fund has been on the ground working tirelessly to provide lifesaving help to people in desperate circumstances, and to lay the groundwork for long term solutions.

A snapshot from their website of the nation’s condition shows how dire the situation is in South Sudan.
•At least 80 percent of the population lives in extreme poverty.

•Years of fighting decimated the economy and infrastructure of cities, towns, roads, and villages.

•Nearly half the population has no access to clean water.

•Nearly 8 million people are predicted to suffer severe malnourishment this year and face starvation – that’s 2 out of every 3 men, women, and children living in South Sudan.

•Brutal attacks from tribal infighting continue to create refugees and orphans.

•It’s estimated at least 60 percent of South Sudan’s two million refugees are orphaned children. More arrive daily to escape the violent warfare in Sudan.

•Government sponsored healthcare and social services are non-existent.

•Diseases such as typhoid and malaria plague the people.

•The mother/infant mortality rate is one of the highest in the world.


Their mission is “to provide peace and hope for the future by alleviating immediate humanitarian concerns and aiding in the development of infrastructure necessary for growth and stability in the world’s youngest nation. We are achieving this by building schools, hospitals, and training programs to empower the people of South Sudan and the Nuba region so they are better equipped to successfully take control of their own future.”.

If you would like to make a separate donation or to get more information, go to https://sdnrlf.com/


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