Mission Action Updates

Outreach is alive and well at First Christian Church, Vallejo.

Here are some  recent ministry activities for which we can rejoice and be thankful.

On November 19, the church presented a Thanksgiving meals check in the amount of $475 to Ministers Benjamin and Mary Ann at Faith Food Fridays in Vallejo. This offering is the result of our gifts in lieu of our usual Thanksgiving luncheon.  The day the gift was made was a food distribution day and the line of clients snaked for a block up Solano Avenue. We have participated in providing a nourishing meal for local families. Thank you!!

On November 23, our 14 School Kits (compiled during our special Halloween worship service) arrived at Church World Service in Elkhart, IN. These kits will assist children around the world with needed supplies they cannot ordinarily access. They will know someone cares and celebrates the opportunity to be in school. 

Also, believe it or not, it is that time of year again! We will be accepting donations of new/unused socks and underwear for women, children and men. This is a great need, especially this time of year. We will have a box to collect donations in the sanctuary on Sunday mornings. They will be given to The Sparrow Project for distribution to people in need.

And don’t forget that our virtual Global Holiday Faire continues through the end of the year, and the Great Common Ground Bakeoff Dessert Auction was a huge success!

A Movable Feast

While our church family typically gathers for a sumptuous Thanksgiving lunch the Sunday before the holiday, this year’s circumstances once again call for a revised plan. Since it is not yet appropriate for us to gather for our annual meal, the Elders are suggesting that we provide Thanksgiving meals for others in our community. Faith Food Fridays Ministry in Vallejo needs turkeys and other meal accompaniments to serve its clients at Thanksgiving this year.

We can assist by providing funds for Faith Food Fridays to purchase what they need for this work. Making a group donation seems more fitting than each of us shopping and making deliveries. And that manner of giving gives more flexibility to Faith Food Fridays.  

We ask that you make a donation by cash or check to the church by Wednesday, November 10, 2021. Checks should be made out to the church and “Thanksgiving meals” noted in the memo section. Please note that this offering is different and separate from our regular Disciples Thanksgiving Special Day offering that we will also receive in the month of November.  

By way of sharing provisions for meals we will be sending prayers of blessing and hope to Faith Food Fridays and to members in our community who might otherwise not have a Thanksgiving meal this year.  

Thank you for your continuous generosity to our community.