Common Ground Makes An Impression

At the Vallejo City Council on October 27, Common Ground made a presentation on various models of Citizen Oversight for the Vallejo Police Department.

In order to present this information, the Public Safety Team met with hundreds of community members to hear their concerns and discuss issues with experts on oversight. The intent is for this to lead to study sessions, expert forums, more community input, and listening sessions with the VPD. We showed the City Council and the viewers who Common Ground is and what it can do when we organize. When we say we want to be at the table we mean it!


The City Council could not have been more complimentary. They all praised not only the presentation, but the dedication of our organization. The Mayor also mentioned including Common Ground in the weekly City of Vallejo Newsletter that goes out to thousands in Vallejo!

In other Common Ground news, the Mobile Crisis Unit Team is currently contacting people and organizations in the County in an effort to find all the people who have invested interest in making a mobile crisis unit in Vallejo-Benicia. The County currently is embarking on a mobile crisis unit pilot program that will begin in Fairfield and Dixon in January, but may not come to Vallejo until 2023 at the earliest! That is not good enough... People are hurting, people are dying, and there is no time to wait! So we are hoping to pressure the county to open a unit in Vallejo or for the city to start an independent crisis unit. There is a lot of excitement for this from non-profits, hospitals, city official, and community members, so the time is now to get to work!


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