FCC heard about Heifer on May 15th

We had a special guest on Sunday, May 15th - Suzanne Awalt, who shared with us about Heifer International. Following worship, there was a luncheon at which time she presented a program of photos and stories from her 2003 Heifer study tour to Poland and Slovakia. Although we support Heifer each year at our holiday faire, we don’t often think of Poland as a Heifer recipient country. In fact, since 1992, Poland has been the flagship of Heifer's Central and Eastern European Program that now assists families in 13 countries. The main focus of Heifer's work here is to demonstrate the value of self-directed small farm co-operatives.

Suzanne has been a volunteer in Heifer's Northwest Region for 14 years. She served on the Heifer International Board of Directors from 1998-2004. We're really grateful she came to Vallejo to share her stories with First Christian Church at this special event!


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